Well, if you made it here, I assume you are thinking of joining the ring. Great! Joining is easy. Just follow these instructions, and you'll be up in no time. If this is your first experience with a webring, read the instructions carefully before filling out the form. If you are an AOL user, be sure to read over the AOL users info. Lastly, if you haven't read over the small list of requirements to join this ring, please do so before joining.
First, go ahead and download the graphics for the ring. They are near the bottom of this page. Hold your cursor over a graphic, right click, and choose 'save as' from the pop up menu. Choose the file or folder you want to store the graphic in, and click 'save'.
Fill out the form. Make sure that you give the correct URL to your page, and double check your typing for your Email address too (if either of these are incorrect, this could become a real bad headache). Type in your keywords and a short description of your site. Then, click submit (only once, it sometimes takes a little time)
You will be taken to another page where you will be given an ID# (write it down) and the personalized html code to copy and paste to your page. You will also get this information in your email soon thereafter.
Copy the code, and paste it into the html on your page. Make sure your graphics show properly. Upload it. Note - The links will not work until I have added your site to the ring. Your site will remain in the queue for 10 days. If, by this time, your code is not up, you will be removed from the queue and will need to rejoin. This enables me to weed out those sites that submit but never join.
Finally, send me an Email and let me know that your ring code has been added. I will check it, and if everything looks okay, I'll add your site to the ring.
Download these two graphics for the webring.
150x150 |
80x40 |
BABEonHD's Harley
Page | Babe's Free Hawg Graphics
| Free
Biker Personals
This site designed and maintained by
Visit Babe's Web Design
for information about getting your business on the web.