This is meBabe's Awards

I want to thank all of the people who awarded my site. I have worked hard on my pages, every one, and certainly appreciate the aknowledgement. Thank you, thank you thank you!

Visit the sites who awarded me, they are all great sites too.

Eternitys Best of the Web Award

Silver Rainbows


Web Surfer's Award

Ravi's Elite

Stacie's Designs

Red Devil Award

Keeper of the Stars

Stylaphobia Web Designs

Back to Babe's Place

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Native American Page | Just For Laughs... | Family Photo Album | Free Webmaster Resources
MIA/POW Page | Free Hawg Graphics | Free Bikers Personals

Shawns Clipart
My cat on the computer caricature came from Shawn.Thanks Shawn for your awesome, professional and free web art!