Name: James Wesley Jackson, Jr.
Rank/Branch: E3/US Marine Corps
Unit: L/3/4, 1st Marine Division
Date of Birth: 26 February 1948
Home City of Record: Atlanta GA
Date of Loss: 21 September 1969
Country of Loss: South Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 164310N 1071200E (YD340510)
Status (in 1973): Missing In Action
Category: 4
Acft/Vehicle/Ground: Ground
Other Personnel in Incident: (none missing)
Source: Compiled by Homecoming II
Project 15 October 1990 from the following:
Raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, Atlanta Constitution article
written by Ron Martz, Stars & Stripes.
SYNOPSIS: On September 21, 1969, LCpl. James W. Jackson, Jr. was slightly
wounded in an accidental explosion at a remote hilltop fire support base
near the Demilitarized Zone, called Fire Support Base Russell. Jackson suffered
minor fragmentation wounds and was quickly medevaced with others in his unit
to the Naval hospital at Quang Tri, South Vietnam.
There is no record that indicates that Jackson ever arrived at the hospital,
but a friend saw him getting off the helicopter and a Navy corpsman remembers
treating his wounds.
Jackson walked into the hospital, was treated by a 3rd Medical Battalion
corpsman in triage, and then disappeared. A thorough search by CID and FBI
and the Marine Corps revealed nothing. Jackson's honor was not questioned.
He was classified Missing In Action and was never removed from that status
until a review board declared him dead during the Reagan Administration.
No one saw Jackson again.
The possibilities of what may have happened to Jackson are endless, and of
course, include the possibility of capture or death. His family waits with
that special agony that comes from uncertainty.
With over 10,000 reports received by the U.S. concerning Americans still
missing, prisoner or unaccounted for in Southeast Asia, Jackson's parents
understand that their son could be one of them.
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